Schmidt & Bender PMII Short dot Dual CC 1-8x24 riflescope
This is a most technically advanced riflescope, since the 1-8x24 PM II ShortDot Dual CC combines – in an 8x zoom ratio system – a distinct illuminated red dot in Second Focal Plane with a First Focal Plane tactical reticle. This being said, it can be used as a red dot sight for quick engagement of close targets while the MilDot base reticle can be used for accurate ranging and compensation for hold-offs and hold-under/over. The generous eye box/exit pupil sup-ports fast acquisition on any magnification. These combined features create the most ad-vanced multipurpose Close Combat and mid-range riflescope design.
Illuminated reticleFocal plane 1+2Choice of clockwise (CW) or counter-clockwise (CCW) adjustmentClick value; 0.1 MRAD Elevation turret; ST MTC LT (Single turn, More tacticle clicks, Locking turret)Windage turret; ST ZC LT (Single turn, Zero click, Locking turret)