Sako accessories

Sako 85 Blued magazines

Magzine to fit Sako model 85 rifles

Sako 85 Stainless magazines

Magzine to fit Sako model 85 rifles

Sako 85 Finlight magazines

Magzine to fit Sako model 85 rifles

Sako A7 Magazines

Spare, 3 round magazine to fit Sako model A7 rifles

Sako rifle slip

An attractive, padded rifle slip for transporting your Sako.

130cm x 25cm

Features shoulder strap & external pocket

Niggeloh Sako rifle sling

Wide design

Adjustable length

Neoprene for superior comfort

Optilock bases

The standard Optilock™ base features an indexing
edge that makes it easier to tighten the ring without
any accidental rotation. All Optilock™ bases have
a brand new angular design to perfectly go along
with the beauty of the rifle itself.

Optilok rings - Blued

Optilock™  rings are offered in multiple different sizes. This allows for a multitude of different scope sizes and brands to be fitted onto Sako & Tikka rifles.

Optilok rings - Phosphated

Optilock™  rings are offered in multiple different sizes. This allows for a multitude of different scope sizes and brands to be fitted onto Sako & Tikka rifles.

Optilok rings - Stainless

Optilock™  rings are offered in multiple different sizes. This allows for a multitude of different scope sizes and brands to be fitted onto Sako & Tikka rifles.