You may order this gun online, however due to uk law we are not permitted to ship directly to you, we can however ship to a registered firearms dealer local to you. Once we receive your order, we will contact you to arrange which registered firearms dealer you would like the gun to be shipped to
Closing down sale 20% OFF selected items
Sale commences at 9.00am October 10th 2024- The sale is available for products that are in stock only, that arrived in stock PRIOR to 1/9/24 - this web site does not feature live stock availability to check availability of a product & if it is included in the sale, please email; or call 01257 426129.
- For in store customers items not included in the sale will generally be identifiable with an orange ticket.
- All items must be paid for in full before 30/11/24.
- All purchased guns must be collected before 30/11/24.
- Sale discount can not be used in conjunction with, or in addition to any existing special offers.
- Existing store credit / items already reserved / existing orders are not included in the sale.
- We may accept part exchanges, though this will be on a very limited basis.
- The seven day trial that we usually include with used goods will not be available during this period (you do still get our 3 month's repair warranty)
- All items will be on a first come, first served basis.
- The following products are not included in the sale; Bulk ammunition & other products which have quantity discounts already applied or items which are already on special offer.
- Services we offer are not included in the sale, for example gun repairs, storage, transfer fees, shipping fees etc.
- We reserve the right to withdraw the sale at any point without notification.
- The above terms & conditions are in addition to our regular Terms & Conditions, which you can read by clicking here